Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Lab Project #5 - Introduction to GPS

The goal in this lab was to become familiar with the basics of collecting GPS data in the field. The process used included learning the basics of the Trimble Juno GPS through instructor demonstration, creating a geodatabase, preparing the database for deployment to the GPS using ArcPad Data Manager, loading the geodatabse onto the GPS, collecting point, line, and polygon features using the GPS, and checking the collected data back into ArcGIS to produce a map. The resulting map shows the points, lines, and polygons that I collected with the Trimble Juno. The light poles, trees, footbridge, and campus mall/grassy areas were features that I mapped, and the buildings had been previouslly collected by students in the past. Everything was overlayed on top of an aerial image of the campus.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Lab Project #4 - Operations With Vector

The goal in this lab was to choose and apply various geoprocessing tools in ArcMap to find a suitable habitat for bears in Marquette County, Michigan. The process I used included mapping a GPS Excel file of bear locations, determining the forest types in which these GPS locations were located, determining the bear locations in reference to streams, finding suitable habitat based on two given criteria, finding suitable habitat which also fell within Michigan DNR management areas, and eliminating any habitat near urban areas. The resulting map shows the study area as a whole, the areas that would be suitable habitat for the bears, and the suitable habitat that is within DNR managed areas. It also shows the location of each bear in the study as well as the streams.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Lab Project #3 - Multiple Criteria Query

The goal in this lab was to show my skills in creating and using query expressions to obtain specific pieces of data from databases. The main skills I used in this lab included using Boolean expressions to create multiple queries, executing spatial queries in conjunction with attribute queries, and mapping the results of these queries with other data. The resulst was five different maps that show different data I extracted from databases to show specified information.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Lab Project #2 - Downloading & Mapping GIS Data

The goal in this lab project was to show that I know how to obtain GIS and other data from a web source that can be analysed for use with a project. The methods I used in this lab included downloading census data from the US Census Bureau, downloading a shapefile of Census Boundaries, joining the data and shapefiles, mapping the data, downloading and mapping another variable of my choice, and building a layout showing both maps. The map on the left is showing the population in Wisconsin by County, while the map on the right is showing the population of only 20-24 year-olds in Wisconsin by County.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Lab Project #1 - Coordinate Systems and Map Projection

The goal in this lab project was to show that I have an understanding of different coordinate systems, both projected and geographic, and that I know how to apply them to data sets that either had a problem with their systems or no system at all. The purpose of the lab was to teach me how to identify and solve issues regarding the projection of data so that it can be used in a GIS program. The methods I used in this lab include building multiple data frames to display feature data, creating shapefiles and projecting them, working with multiple data sets with different projections, and creating two final maps. The first map resulted in an example of several different projections to compare side-by-side, and the second map is a data set (rivers) laid on top of a shapefile of several counties in central Wisconsin.